Arrecife Coralino


AUTOR: Luis Chasqui, Juan David González, Katherine Mejía-Quintero y Nacor Bolaños-Cubillos 

TÍTULO: Ecological units in the mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) of San Andrés island, Colombian Caribbean.

AUTOR: Fanny L Gonzalez-Zapata, Sebastián Gómez-Osorio & Juan Armando Sánchez

TÍTULO: Conspicuous endolithic algal associations in a mesophotic reef-building coral 

PALABRAS CLAVE: Mesophotic coral ecosystems Endolithic algae Symbiont Ostreobium  spp.


Understanding how corals and their symbionts specialize across depth gradients allows us to understand biodiversity in shallow and mesophotic coral ecosystems. Here we determined the prevalence of endolithic algal in Agaricia undata  (17–83 m) and examined community changes within (shallow, upper and lower zones) and among sites (oceanic vs. continental siliciclastic influence). We observed exposed filaments of endolithic algae in some colonies, which in some cases surfaced the coral as tubular pipelines bridging A. undata  costae. We also found multiple cryptic species within the monophyletic group of Ostreobium -like algae (12 rbcL  types). Rarely explored as symbionts, Ostreobium  in A. undata  highlights its potential role in facilitating a broader depth range.

AUTOR:  Fanny L. Gonzalez-Zapata, Pim BongaertsCatalina Ramírez-Portilla, Boahemaa Adu-Oppong, Gretchen Walljasper, Alejandro Reyes y Juan A. Sanchez

TÍTULO:  Holobiont Diversity in a Reef-Building Coral over Its Entire Depth Range in the Mesophotic Zone

NOTAS:  Gonzalez-Zapata FL, Bongaerts P, Ramírez-Portilla C, Adu-Oppong B, Walljasper G, Reyes A and Sanchez JA (2018) Holobiont Diversity in a Reef-Building Coral over Its Entire Depth Range in the Mesophotic Zone. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:29. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00029


Mesophotic reef-building coral communities (∼ 30–120m depth) remain largely unexplored, despite representing roughly three-quarters of the overall depth range at which tropical coral reef ecosystems occur. Although many coral species are restricted to shallow depths, several species occur across large depth ranges, including lower mesophotic depths. Yet, it remains unclear how such species can persist under extreme low-light conditions and how the different symbiotic partners associated with these corals contribute to facilitate such broad depth ranges.




Corales en Seaflower. San Andrés, isla.


Brucker & Scientist, 2012.


Global Reef Expedition: San Andrés Archipelago Colombia. Landover USA: Living Ocean Fundation.


Prada & Mitchell, 2011


Mapeo Comunidades Bénticas Zona Externa del AMP Seaflower, Basado en Imagenes Ikonos.


Prato Julian - Reina Julian A.


Aproximación a la valoración económica de la zona marina y costera del caribe colombiano

Comisión Colombiana del Océano-SECCO


Prato Julian - INVEMAR, 2015


Reserva de biósfera Seaflower
Departamento de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Colombia
Soporte básico infragmentable para el bienestar , supervivencia y vida económica de la población colombiana


Sanchez Garcia & Garcias Escobar, 2010


Riqueza y Abundancia íctica de los complejos arrecifales de Serranilla, Bajo Alicia y Bajo Nuevo, Reserva de la Biosfera Seaflower-Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina-Colombia.

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